Get Things Moving Kit

Get Things Moving Kit

In this article, we will provide information that explains the nutrients we chose for our Get Things Moving Kit.  Constipation can be a challenge when children with digestive issues and sensitivities tend to eat foods that can exacerbate the problem.  We address food options in our Nutrition and Regularity blog.

MAGNESIUM - This mineral plays a key role in muscle function making it very helpful for those individuals suffering from constipation.  Your GI tract, which essentially is one long muscle, must be healthy in order to produce consistent bowel movements.

Magnesium helps relax intestinal muscles, allowing bowel movements to pass easily. Magnesium is also known to attract water. If you suffer from constipation, attracting extra water to your digestive system can help loosen and free up stools.

Because magnesium attracts water, it’s important to drink plenty of water while taking this supplement.  Fiber maximizes the benefits of magnesium which is one reason we have included fiber in our kit.

FISH OIL/OMEGA 3's - Fish oil is known to improve digestion. It softens and binds stools with its lubricant properties, aiding in easier flushing out of stool. Fish oil can be consumed regularly because it has a mild impact on the digestive system when compared to the over-the-counter laxatives. While consumption of cod liver oil is the most effective, the high level of vitamin A makes it a poor choice for pregnant women and those already taking high doses of vitamin A.

The dosage of fish oil depends on the concentration of Omega-3 fatty acids in it.  Experts suggest that kids and adults can consume 1000 mg and 2000 mg daily, provided the fish oil have 50% omega-3 fatty acids.

People on blood thinning, cholesterol and diabetic medications should also take care before using fish oil to ease constipation.  Check with your physician before you start using it.

FIBER - A lack of fiber is one of the main causes of constipation. When you consume enough fiber, this helps soften and bulk up your stools, allowing for regular and normal bowel movements. Adequate fiber is also one of the best ways to prevent constipation. Ask your doctor how much fiber you should get every day. Everyone's needs vary, but experts recommend getting 15g to 35g of fiber each day. 

PROBIOTICS - Probiotics can be a supportive measure for constipation caused by dysbiosis. Dysbiosis is an abnormally high level of bad bacteria in the gut.  Probiotics can restore the balance of gut micro fauna. They increase the good microbial count of the intestine which improves both digestion and the immune system. They also aid in peristalsis in bowel (the wave like motion that pushes feces through the intestinal tract), balance pH in the bowel, and improve fecal transit time.


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